How to Play Tight/Aggressive Poker


Poker is a family of card games in which players compete to make the best hand out of a set of cards. It is played worldwide, with different rules in each country.

The game consists of a number of rounds of betting, in which each player puts chips into the pot before they are dealt their turn. The first round begins with the dealer distributing three cards face-up on the table, called the flop, and everyone in the hand has a chance to raise or fold.

After the flop, a fifth card, called the turn, is dealt. The third betting round, called the river, is then completed. The fourth round, called the showdown, is then complete, and the best five-card poker hand takes the pot.


A tight/aggressive player is a calm and collected individual who plays with a strong conviction that they have a good opportunity to win. They often combine patience and good judgement with this style of play, making them one of the most profitable types of poker players.

This is the most common type of poker strategy. It involves betting aggressively when you sense that an opponent is bluffing or trying to trap you. It is a great strategy for beginners and novices, but it is not always the most effective strategy for professional players.

When playing a tight/aggressive style of poker, you should never over-limp, which means you should never put in more than you can afford to lose. This can give you a disadvantage because your opponents are more likely to call with weak hands, or they may be able to make a winning hand by raising on the flop.

You should also avoid slow rolling, which is the act of hiding your cards before others reveal them. This is seen as a breach of etiquette and can be frustrating for other players.

If you are not confident in your abilities, try playing poker with friends or family who are more experienced than you. They will give you advice and help you become a better poker player.

Pay attention to the way other players bet, as this can tell you a lot about them. For example, if a player raises pre-flop but then folds to a bet on the flop, they are a cautious and risk-averse player. This is a great sign because they will be thinking carefully about their bets and how likely their hand is to beat yours.

The most important thing is to play with good sportsmanship. This is especially important in online poker, where it can be easy to lose track of other players’ chips.

Aside from being a good player, you should also be a good listener. This is an essential skill in poker, as it can help you identify other players’ hands and their intentions.

Be sure to ask the dealer for help if you need it. They are more than willing to explain the different types of hands and how they work. They will also be happy to answer any questions you might have, and they can even let you play a few hands on your own with chips that don’t represent real money so you can practice.